Computer Hardware is the term for the collaboration of components which make up a computer, which are known as its hardware. This collection of components is usually fixed in a housing and loaded with system software, which includes a piece of code interface named firmware. Firmware (or BIOS as its...
Articles for January 2016
The Processor Step By Step
By: David Westgrove | Posted: Jun 05, 2013 The processor is perhaps the most important component of any computer. It is the component which performs all of the mathematical and logical functions, and thus does all of the actual “computing” of the system. It’s helpful to think of your...
Are Your Kids Savvy About Internet Safety?
Are Your Kids Savvy About Internet Safety? (NewsUSA) – The Internet is an important educational tool. With a click of a mouse, kids can find information on just about anything. Unfortunately, children who don’t practice basic Internet safety may expose themselves and their parents to certain risks. Children...
Choose the Perfect Computer for You!
By: jeraldmolina777 | Posted: Feb 28, 2013 It is a great feeling when you have some money to spend and you are buying something just for you! These days everyone owns a computer and when you have the opportunity to upgrade you should spend your cash wisely. There are...